SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation
SQLAlchemy ORM
- ORM Quick Start
- ORM Mapped Class Configuration
- Relationship Configuration
- ORM Querying Guide
- Using the Session
- Session Basics
- State Management
- Cascades¶
- Transactions and Connection Management
- Additional Persistence Techniques
- Contextual/Thread-local Sessions
- Tracking queries, object and Session Changes with Events
- Session API
- Events and Internals
- ORM Extensions
- ORM Examples
Project Versions
Mappers support the concept of configurable cascade behavior on
constructs. This refers
to how operations performed on a “parent” object relative to a
particular Session
should be propagated to items
referred to by that relationship (e.g. “child” objects), and is
affected by the relationship.cascade
The default behavior of cascade is limited to cascades of the so-called save-update and merge settings. The typical “alternative” setting for cascade is to add the delete and delete-orphan options; these settings are appropriate for related objects which only exist as long as they are attached to their parent, and are otherwise deleted.
Cascade behavior is configured using the
option on
class Order(Base):
__tablename__ = "order"
items = relationship("Item", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
customer = relationship("User", cascade="save-update")
To set cascades on a backref, the same flag can be used with the
function, which ultimately feeds
its arguments back into relationship()
class Item(Base):
__tablename__ = "item"
order = relationship(
"Order", backref=backref("items", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
The default value of relationship.cascade
is save-update, merge
The typical alternative setting for this parameter is either
or more commonly all, delete-orphan
. The all
is a synonym for save-update, merge, refresh-expire, expunge, delete
and using it in conjunction with delete-orphan
indicates that the child
object should follow along with its parent in all cases, and be deleted once
it is no longer associated with that parent.
The all
cascade option implies the
cascade setting which may not be desirable when using the
Asynchronous I/O (asyncio) extension, as it will expire related objects
more aggressively than is typically appropriate in an explicit IO context.
See the notes at Preventing Implicit IO when Using AsyncSession for further background.
The list of available values which can be specified for
the relationship.cascade
parameter are described in the following subsections.
cascade indicates that when an object is placed into a
via Session.add()
, all the objects associated
with it via this relationship()
should also be added to that
same Session
. Suppose we have an object user1
with two
related objects address1
, address2
>>> user1 = User()
>>> address1, address2 = Address(), Address()
>>> user1.addresses = [address1, address2]
If we add user1
to a Session
, it will also add
, address2
>>> sess = Session()
>>> sess.add(user1)
>>> address1 in sess
cascade also affects attribute operations for objects
that are already present in a Session
. If we add a third
object, address3
to the user1.addresses
collection, it
becomes part of the state of that Session
>>> address3 = Address()
>>> user1.addresses.append(address3)
>>> address3 in sess
A save-update
cascade can exhibit surprising behavior when removing an item from
a collection or de-associating an object from a scalar attribute. In some cases, the
orphaned objects may still be pulled into the ex-parent’s Session
; this is
so that the flush process may handle that related object appropriately.
This case usually only arises if an object is removed from one Session
and added to another:
>>> user1 = sess1.scalars(select(User).filter_by(id=1)).first()
>>> address1 = user1.addresses[0]
>>> sess1.close() # user1, address1 no longer associated with sess1
>>> user1.addresses.remove(address1) # address1 no longer associated with user1
>>> sess2 = Session()
>>> sess2.add(user1) # ... but it still gets added to the new session,
>>> address1 in sess2 # because it's still "pending" for flush
The save-update
cascade is on by default, and is typically taken
for granted; it simplifies code by allowing a single call to
to register an entire structure of objects within
that Session
at once. While it can be disabled, there
is usually not a need to do so.
Behavior of save-update cascade with bi-directional relationships¶
The save-update
cascade takes place uni-directionally in the context of
a bi-directional relationship, i.e. when using
the relationship.back_populates
or relationship.backref
parameters to create two separate
objects which refer to each other.
An object that’s not associated with a Session
, when assigned to
an attribute or collection on a parent object that is associated with a
, will be automatically added to that same
. However, the same operation in reverse will not have
this effect; an object that’s not associated with a Session
, upon
which a child object that is associated with a Session
assigned, will not result in an automatic addition of that parent object to the
. The overall subject of this behavior is known
as “cascade backrefs”, and represents a change in behavior that was standardized
as of SQLAlchemy 2.0.
To illustrate, given a mapping of Order
objects which relate
bi-directionally to a series of Item
objects via relationships
and Item.order
properties={"items": relationship(Item, back_populates="order")},
properties={"order": relationship(Order, back_populates="items")},
If an Order
is already associated with a Session
, and
an Item
object is then created and appended to the Order.items
collection of that Order
, the Item
will be automatically cascaded
into that same Session
>>> o1 = Order()
>>> session.add(o1)
>>> o1 in session
>>> i1 = Item()
>>> o1.items.append(i1)
>>> o1 is i1.order
>>> i1 in session
Above, the bidirectional nature of Order.items
and Item.order
that appending to Order.items
also assigns to Item.order
. At the same
time, the save-update
cascade allowed for the Item
object to be added
to the same Session
which the parent Order
was already
However, if the operation above is performed in the reverse direction,
where Item.order
is assigned rather than appending directly to
, the cascade operation into the Session
not take place automatically, even though the object assignments
and Item.order
will be in the same state as in the
previous example:
>>> o1 = Order()
>>> session.add(o1)
>>> o1 in session
>>> i1 = Item()
>>> i1.order = o1
>>> i1 in order.items
>>> i1 in session
In the above case, after the Item
object is created and all the desired
state is set upon it, it should then be added to the Session
>>> session.add(i1)
In older versions of SQLAlchemy, the save-update cascade would occur
bidirectionally in all cases. It was then made optional using an option known
as cascade_backrefs
. Finally, in SQLAlchemy 1.4 the old behavior was
deprecated and the cascade_backrefs
option was removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0.
The rationale is that users generally do not find it intuitive that assigning
to an attribute on an object, illustrated above as the assignment of
i1.order = o1
, would alter the persistence state of that object i1
that it’s now pending within a Session
, and there would
frequently be subsequent issues where autoflush would prematurely flush the
object and cause errors, in those cases where the given object was still being
constructed and wasn’t in a ready state to be flushed. The option to select between
uni-directional and bi-directional behvaiors was also removed, as this option
created two slightly different ways of working, adding to the overall learning
curve of the ORM as well as to the documentation and user support burden.
See also
cascade_backrefs behavior deprecated for removal in 2.0 - background on the change in behavior for “cascade backrefs”
The delete
cascade indicates that when a “parent” object
is marked for deletion, its related “child” objects should also be marked
for deletion. If for example we have a relationship User.addresses
with delete
cascade configured:
class User(Base):
# ...
addresses = relationship("Address", cascade="all, delete")
If using the above mapping, we have a User
object and two
related Address
>>> user1 = sess1.scalars(select(User).filter_by(id=1)).first()
>>> address1, address2 = user1.addresses
If we mark user1
for deletion, after the flush operation proceeds,
and address2
will also be deleted:
>>> sess.delete(user1)
>>> sess.commit()
DELETE FROM address WHERE address.id = ?
((1,), (2,))
DELETE FROM user WHERE user.id = ?
Alternatively, if our User.addresses
relationship does not have
cascade, SQLAlchemy’s default behavior is to instead de-associate
and address2
from user1
by setting their foreign key
reference to NULL
. Using a mapping as follows:
class User(Base):
# ...
addresses = relationship("Address")
Upon deletion of a parent User
object, the rows in address
are not
deleted, but are instead de-associated:
>>> sess.delete(user1)
>>> sess.commit()
UPDATE address SET user_id=? WHERE address.id = ?
(None, 1)
UPDATE address SET user_id=? WHERE address.id = ?
(None, 2)
DELETE FROM user WHERE user.id = ?
delete cascade on one-to-many relationships is often combined
with delete-orphan cascade, which will emit a DELETE for the
related row if the “child” object is deassociated from the parent. The
combination of delete
and delete-orphan
cascade covers both
situations where SQLAlchemy has to decide between setting a foreign key
column to NULL versus deleting the row entirely.
The feature by default works completely independently of database-configured
constraints that may themselves configure CASCADE
In order to integrate more efficiently with this configuration, additional
directives described at Using foreign key ON DELETE cascade with ORM relationships should be used.
Note that the ORM’s “delete” and “delete-orphan” behavior applies
only to the use of the Session.delete()
method to mark
individual ORM instances for deletion within the unit of work process.
It does not apply to “bulk” deletes, which would be emitted using
the delete()
construct as illustrated at
ORM UPDATE and DELETE with Custom WHERE Criteria. See
Important Notes and Caveats for ORM-Enabled Update and Delete for additional background.
See also
Using foreign key ON DELETE cascade with ORM relationships
Using delete cascade with many-to-many relationships¶
The cascade="all, delete"
option works equally well with a many-to-many
relationship, one that uses relationship.secondary
indicate an association table. When a parent object is deleted, and therefore
de-associated with its related objects, the unit of work process will normally
delete rows from the association table, but leave the related objects intact.
When combined with cascade="all, delete"
, additional DELETE
will take place for the child rows themselves.
The following example adapts that of Many To Many to
illustrate the cascade="all, delete"
setting on one side of the
association_table = Table(
Column("left_id", Integer, ForeignKey("left.id")),
Column("right_id", Integer, ForeignKey("right.id")),
class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = "left"
id = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
children = relationship(
cascade="all, delete",
class Child(Base):
__tablename__ = "right"
id = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parents = relationship(
Above, when a Parent
object is marked for deletion
using Session.delete()
, the flush process will as usual delete
the associated rows from the association
table, however per cascade
rules it will also delete all related Child
If the above cascade="all, delete"
setting were configured on both
relationships, then the cascade action would continue cascading through all
and Child
objects, loading each children
and parents
collection encountered and deleting everything that’s connected. It is
typically not desirable for “delete” cascade to be configured
Using foreign key ON DELETE cascade with ORM relationships¶
The behavior of SQLAlchemy’s “delete” cascade overlaps with the
feature of a database FOREIGN KEY
SQLAlchemy allows configuration of these schema-level DDL behaviors
using the ForeignKey
and ForeignKeyConstraint
constructs; usage of these objects in conjunction with Table
metadata is described at ON UPDATE and ON DELETE.
In order to use ON DELETE
foreign key cascades in conjunction with
, it’s important to note first and foremost that the
setting must still be configured to
match the desired “delete” or “set null” behavior (using delete
or leaving it omitted), so that whether the ORM or the database
level constraints will handle the task of actually modifying the data in the
database, the ORM will still be able to appropriately track the state of
locally present objects that may be affected.
There is then an additional option on relationship()
indicates the degree to which the ORM should try to run DELETE/UPDATE
operations on related rows itself, vs. how much it should rely upon expecting
the database-side FOREIGN KEY constraint cascade to handle the task; this is
the relationship.passive_deletes
parameter and it accepts
options False
(the default), True
and "all"
The most typical example is that where child rows are to be deleted when
parent rows are deleted, and that ON DELETE CASCADE
is configured
on the relevant FOREIGN KEY
constraint as well:
class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = "parent"
id = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
children = relationship(
cascade="all, delete",
class Child(Base):
__tablename__ = "child"
id = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parent_id = mapped_column(Integer, ForeignKey("parent.id", ondelete="CASCADE"))
parent = relationship("Parent", back_populates="children")
The behavior of the above configuration when a parent row is deleted is as follows:
The application calls
, wheremy_parent
is an instance ofParent
.When the
next flushes changes to the database, all of the currently loaded items within themy_parent.children
collection are deleted by the ORM, meaning aDELETE
statement is emitted for each record.If the
collection is unloaded, then noDELETE
statements are emitted. If therelationship.passive_deletes
flag were not set on thisrelationship()
, then aSELECT
statement for unloadedChild
objects would have been emitted.A
statement is then emitted for themy_parent
row itself.The database-level
setting ensures that all rows inchild
which refer to the affected row inparent
are also deleted.The
instance referred to bymy_parent
, as well as all instances ofChild
that were related to this object and were loaded (i.e. step 2 above took place), are de-associated from theSession
To use “ON DELETE CASCADE”, the underlying database engine must
constraints and they must be enforcing:
When using MySQL, an appropriate storage engine must be selected. See CREATE TABLE arguments including Storage Engines for details.
When using SQLite, foreign key support must be enabled explicitly. See Foreign Key Support for details.
Using foreign key ON DELETE with many-to-many relationships¶
As described at Using delete cascade with many-to-many relationships, “delete” cascade works
for many-to-many relationships as well. To make use of ON DELETE CASCADE
foreign keys in conjunction with many to many, FOREIGN KEY
are configured on the association table. These directives can handle
the task of automatically deleting from the association table, but cannot
accommodate the automatic deletion of the related objects themselves.
In this case, the relationship.passive_deletes
directive can
save us some additional SELECT
statements during a delete operation but
there are still some collections that the ORM will continue to load, in order
to locate affected child objects and handle them correctly.
Hypothetical optimizations to this could include a single DELETE
statement against all parent-associated rows of the association table at
once, then use RETURNING
to locate affected related child rows, however
this is not currently part of the ORM unit of work implementation.
In this configuration, we configure ON DELETE CASCADE
on both foreign key
constraints of the association table. We configure cascade="all, delete"
on the parent->child side of the relationship, and we can then configure
on the other side of the bidirectional
relationship as illustrated below:
association_table = Table(
Column("left_id", Integer, ForeignKey("left.id", ondelete="CASCADE")),
Column("right_id", Integer, ForeignKey("right.id", ondelete="CASCADE")),
class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = "left"
id = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
children = relationship(
cascade="all, delete",
class Child(Base):
__tablename__ = "right"
id = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
parents = relationship(
Using the above configuration, the deletion of a Parent
object proceeds
as follows:
object is marked for deletion usingSession.delete()
.When the flush occurs, if the
collection is not loaded, the ORM will first emit a SELECT statement in order to load theChild
objects that correspond toParent.children
.It will then then emit
statements for the rows inassociation
which correspond to that parent row.for each
object affected by this immediate deletion, becausepassive_deletes=True
is configured, the unit of work will not need to try to emit SELECT statements for eachChild.parents
collection as it is assumed the corresponding rows inassociation
will be deleted.DELETE
statements are then emitted for eachChild
object that was loaded fromParent.children
cascade adds behavior to the delete
such that a child object will be marked for deletion when it is
de-associated from the parent, not just when the parent is marked
for deletion. This is a common feature when dealing with a related
object that is “owned” by its parent, with a NOT NULL foreign key,
so that removal of the item from the parent collection results
in its deletion.
cascade implies that each child object can only
have one parent at a time, and in the vast majority of cases is configured
only on a one-to-many relationship. For the much less common
case of setting it on a many-to-one or
many-to-many relationship, the “many” side can be forced to allow only
a single object at a time by configuring the relationship.single_parent
which establishes Python-side validation that ensures the object
is associated with only one parent at a time, however this greatly limits
the functionality of the “many” relationship and is usually not what’s
See also
For relationship <relationship>, delete-orphan cascade is normally configured only on the “one” side of a one-to-many relationship, and not on the “many” side of a many-to-one or many-to-many relationship. - background on a common error scenario involving delete-orphan cascade.
cascade indicates that the Session.merge()
operation should be propagated from a parent that’s the subject
of the Session.merge()
call down to referred objects.
This cascade is also on by default.
is an uncommon option, indicating that the
operation should be propagated from a parent
down to referred objects. When using Session.refresh()
the referred objects are expired only, but not actually refreshed.
cascade indicates that when the parent object is removed
from the Session
using Session.expunge()
, the
operation should be propagated down to referred objects.
Notes on Delete - Deleting Objects Referenced from Collections and Scalar Relationships¶
The ORM in general never modifies the contents of a collection or scalar
relationship during the flush process. This means, if your class has a
that refers to a collection of objects, or a reference
to a single object such as many-to-one, the contents of this attribute will
not be modified when the flush process occurs. Instead, it is expected
that the Session
would eventually be expired, either through the expire-on-commit behavior of
or through explicit use of Session.expire()
At that point, any referenced object or collection associated with that
will be cleared and will re-load itself upon next access.
A common confusion that arises regarding this behavior involves the use of the
method. When Session.delete()
is invoked upon
an object and the Session
is flushed, the row is deleted from the
database. Rows that refer to the target row via foreign key, assuming they
are tracked using a relationship()
between the two mapped object types,
will also see their foreign key attributes UPDATED to null, or if delete
cascade is set up, the related rows will be deleted as well. However, even
though rows related to the deleted object might be themselves modified as well,
no changes occur to relationship-bound collections or object references on
the objects involved in the operation within the scope of the flush
itself. This means if the object was a
member of a related collection, it will still be present on the Python side
until that collection is expired. Similarly, if the object were
referenced via many-to-one or one-to-one from another object, that reference
will remain present on that object until the object is expired as well.
Below, we illustrate that after an Address
object is marked
for deletion, it’s still present in the collection associated with the
parent User
, even after a flush:
>>> address = user.addresses[1]
>>> session.delete(address)
>>> session.flush()
>>> address in user.addresses
When the above session is committed, all attributes are expired. The next
access of user.addresses
will re-load the collection, revealing the
desired state:
>>> session.commit()
>>> address in user.addresses
There is a recipe for intercepting Session.delete()
and invoking this
expiration automatically; see ExpireRelationshipOnFKChange for this. However, the usual practice of
deleting items within collections is to forego the usage of
directly, and instead use cascade behavior to
automatically invoke the deletion as a result of removing the object from the
parent collection. The delete-orphan
cascade accomplishes this, as
illustrated in the example below:
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "user"
# ...
addresses = relationship("Address", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
# ...
del user.addresses[1]
Where above, upon removing the Address
object from the User.addresses
collection, the delete-orphan
cascade has the effect of marking the Address
object for deletion in the same way as passing it to Session.delete()
The delete-orphan
cascade can also be applied to a many-to-one
or one-to-one relationship, so that when an object is de-associated from its
parent, it is also automatically marked for deletion. Using delete-orphan
cascade on a many-to-one or one-to-one requires an additional flag
which invokes an assertion
that this related object is not to shared with any other parent simultaneously:
class User(Base):
# ...
preference = relationship(
"Preference", cascade="all, delete-orphan", single_parent=True
Above, if a hypothetical Preference
object is removed from a User
it will be deleted on flush:
some_user.preference = None
session.flush() # will delete the Preference object
See also
Cascades for detail on cascades.
flambé! the dragon and The Alchemist image designs created and generously donated by Rotem Yaari.
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